Slachtoffers terreuraanvallen VS

Slachtoffers terreuraanvallen VS

11 september 2001 - 11 september 2001
Laat uw steunbetuiging achter voor de nabestaanden van de slachtoffers van de terreuraanvallen op de Verenigde Staten.

Vermoedelijk duizenden mensen verloren het leven bij de vliegtuigaanslagen op het World Trade Center in New York en het Pentagon in Washington. Daarnaast zijn enkele honderden slachtoffers gevallen bij de crash van een vierde gekaapt vliegtuig in Pennsylvania.

Het online condoleanceregister voor de slachtoffers van de terreuraanvallen in de Verenigde Staten is vrijdag 28 september 2001 aangeboden aan de waarnemend ambassadeur van de Amerikaanse Ambassade in Den Haag. Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen mogen we daar op dit moment geen foto's van laten zien. Mogelijk verschijnen deze later op de site na toestemming van het ambassadepersoneel.
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Beste mensen,
Hierbij wil ik u mijn condoleances betuigen. Heel veel sterkte wil ik u wensen bij het verwerken van dit drama.

C.I.E Kwakkenbos. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:57 getekend door:
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I want to express my deapest sympathy for those Americans who lost relatives,friends or both.Our hearts and thoughts are with all of you.I also wish the persons who are still in hospitals full recovery.May God be with you!! 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:57 getekend door:
H.e.n.k. .Z.w.a.n.e.p.o.l.
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I'm thinking of you in this horible time. And I hope that Bush takes the right and most un-violence decission. But that the people who are responsible for this terrible thing have to be punished. So they know that this may never ever happen again. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:57 getekend door:
N.a.n.c.y. .M.e.i.j.e.r.
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wij zitten in klas 1b
we vinden het heel erg wat er gebeurt is we hopen dat het snel allemaal weer goed komt en dat de mensen snel gevonden worden we hebben alles gezien bij het nieuws en gehoord we hoppen dat alles weer het selfte wortd groedjes silvana 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:56 getekend door:
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i just can't seem to find the right words to write down..
My deepest sympathy goes to everyone who has lost someone.
and my respect goes to the rescue workers for the job they are doing right now... 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:56 getekend door:
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My hart goes out to the victoms and families of the victoms of this tragic disaster.

The rescue workers whose livers are at stake every day, are doing a great job. I hope the will find survivors and wish them al the best.


The Netherlands 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:56 getekend door:
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I wish to give my good wishes and condoleances to the people who lost their loved ones
I pray to God to give you the strength to survive this very big lost
God bless the people of America 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:56 getekend door:
D.i.n.y. .H.o.e.k.s.
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Uit de grond van mijn Hart Gecondoleerd met dit zware verlies van
al deze mensen.

Ik wens jullie God's steun toe.
Ik hoop dat jullie de moed en de kracht zullen krijgen om door tegaan . 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
D.i.n.e.k.e. .v.a.n. .d.e.r. .K.o.l.k...
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Het leven is niet in Bethlehem begonnen en zal ook niet in Golgotha eindigen.

Wij willwn het amerikaanse volk die in deze laatste dagen, door duivelse lafheid, beroofd zijn van hun leven en hun vrijheid met deze leerstelling condoleren.

Op 14 september 2001 getekend door: Paula Katipana 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
P... .K.a.t.i.p.a.n.a. .e.n. .F.a.m... .G...A... .K.a.t.i.p.a.n.a.
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de dagdat ik 50 jaar oud werd 11 september zal ik nimmer meer vergeten
ik sta stil bij alle slachtoffers en hun
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
j.o.s.e. .v.d. .V.e.n.
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When I got the news on the bombings in the USA, firstly I didn't believe it ! Afterwards I began to cry (something I don't do regularly...). Now sadness and anger move me because of this tragedy. I hope the cowards and those involved will be found and that terrorism all over the planet will come to an end. This task will be very difficult and it will take years before this kind of actions will be banned (if it can be destroyed ???). What happened in USA can happen all over the world and from now unwards nobody is save anymore ! With this emotional state amongst good people everywhere, I don't think their won't be much more to be happy about in the world where we live in. The forces of (d)evil (terrorism, drugs, corruption, murder, violence, ...) are much too strong and there's no place on Earth where they cannot reach their victims...
If you belief in the good of our society, I am afraid the only thing we can do is help each other in stead of fighting each other.
I certainly agree that CIA, FBI and others failed in their task to protect the citizens, but all kind of criminals, like those terrorists, ALWAYS will be FASTER than the organisations who need to STOP them, or prevent them to do harm.
All over the world countries and organisations which are involved in terrorist activities or who support those kind of actions, are known by CIA, FBI and other intelligence services.
Now it is much too late for the victims and their families and friends of the bombings, but it's now of never : DESTROY the ones who are known to be involved in criminal activities worlwide.
EVIL can only be banned that way. Zero tolerance should have been executed much earlier.
I sincerely hope ALL the barbarians in our world will be KILLED so good people like us can live in peace, not war.
If this doesn't happen, then it's the end of the world as we know it.

My deepest love and sympathy to all good people on the globe,

Mario from Belgium. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
M.a.r.i.o. .M.e.w.i.s.
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There are no words to describe these attacks. I herewith would like to wish all my friends in the states all the best.
May justice be done!! 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
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We cannot and will not understand what has happened in NYC and DC. We're shocked and horrified and want to express our feelings of grief and sorrow for those who died in the attacks and for those who lost someone in these dreadful events.
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
I.w.a.n. .&. .C.h.r.i.s.t.i.n.e.,. .N.L.
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Words cannot begin to describe the horror of this act of insanity. We deeply feel for those unsuspecting people who died during the attack and our warmest thoughts are with the loved ones they so suddenly left behind. We wish you strenght and courage. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:55 getekend door:
W.o.l.f.j.e. .v.a.n. .D.i.j.k.
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Ongeloof en schok hebben mij wakkergeschud! Veel sterkte toegewenst aan alle getroffenen. Moge dit de band tussen veel landen en de mensen daarin versterken, zodat we achter elkaar staan in deze strijd tegen dit onnodige bloedvergieten. Ach...eigenlijk valt hier niets zinnigs over te zeggen... 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:54 getekend door:
T.h.o.r.s.t.e.n. .v.a.n. .K.o.o.t.e.n.
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Wat moet er van onze wereld worden indien wij als mensen tot zulke terreurdaden in staat zijn. Welk een haat is er voor nodig om zoveel onschuldigen het slachtoffer te laten worden. Laten wij ter nagedachtenis aan al die mensen die het leven bij deze tragische gebeurtenis proberen de dieper liggende oorzaken boven tafel te krijgen en hier oplossingen voor bedenken voor we in een neerwaartse spiraal van geweld terechtkomen. We moeten ten slotte met elkaar verder op dit bolletje. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:54 getekend door:
R.e.n.é. .L.a.a.n.
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My deepest condolences and sympathy go out to all those bereaved by this most hideous crime against civilization. God bless and grant you strength to cope. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:54 getekend door:
J.u.d.i.t.h. .H.o.p.e.
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We may be worlds and an ocean apart. But we share the same desires, share the same dreams and goals. For some of us this dream is disturbed, brutally murdered, and our faith and strength is tested.
We hope that inspite all the troubles, pain and agony, inspite all the tears and suffering America will not give up and will never stop hoping.
We pray for all of you, that you will have the courage and strength to rebuild what is destroyed and restore your faith in God and mankind.
We are in thoughts with you , with the ones who are no longer with us, and with the people that will have to learn to live in a new world.
You are not alone,
God Bless 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:54 getekend door:
M.i.r.j.a.n.a. .v.a.n. .S.c.h.a.i.j.k.
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shocked and speechless did i look to the television the last days. My thoughts and heart are with the victims, the families, the rescueworkers and the citizens of America. May all of you have the strenght you will need so hard in the coming period. Support eachother and try to go one in the way you're lost ones would have want you to.
I send you my sympathy and support, and will be thinking of you.
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:54 getekend door:
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We were totally shocked. The terrible and brutal tragedy on 9-11-2001 will always be in our rememberance.

There are no words to describe the loss of lives of innocent people. Our support and sympathy goes out to all Americans, specially to all the families who have lost their loved ones in these horrible attacks.

We herewith express our condolences. We wish all of you strength and good faith in these dark times.

We also condemn these dreadful acts of inhumanity. 
Op 14 september 2001
om 12:53 getekend door:
N.e.l.l.i.e. .e.n. .L.e.o. .B.e.c.k.e.r.s.
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op 11 september 2001

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