Cecille Rose Viray  Manalo

Cecille Rose Viray Manalo

3 oktober 1990 - 20 augustus 2024

In memory of Cecille Rose Manalo

With great sadness, we announce the loss of our colleague Cecille Rose Manalo.

Cecille worked in the Technology & Projects organisation as Sr. Design Engineer I&A.

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Neste would like to express its sincere condolences to Cecille’s family, friends, and colleagues for their loss.
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"Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return"
My deepest condolences to all and I wish Cecile's family, friends and colleagues all the strength in this great loss. May Almighty give you patience in the difficult time. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 20:13 getekend door:
S.a.l.m.a.n. .A.k.h.t.a.r.
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Sending Cecille's friends and loved ones my deepest condolences, she was a bright and positive person who will be sorely missed. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 17:21 getekend door:
S.c.o.t.t. .G.a.r.d.n.e.r.
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My sincere condolences to Cecille's family, friends and our colleagues. This is very sad news and I wish all of you a lot of strength in this difficult time and hold on to the beautiful memories of Cecille. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 17:14 getekend door:
I.n.g.e. .B.r.a.s.p.e.n.n.i.n.g.
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very to sad to hear about the loss of your dear daughter, sister or friend. I really enjoyed working with her. My sincere condoleances to all of you. I wish you a lot of strength in this difficult time. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 17:02 getekend door:
J.a.n. .W.i.l.l.e.m. .G.r.o.e.n.e.w.e.g.
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My deepest condolences to Cecille's family and friends. I wish you all the strength in this immense loss. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:59 getekend door:
C.o.e.n. .D.u.s.s.e.l.j.e.e.
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Such a sudden and big loss. I havent worked with her myself but it was clear to see she was a very liked person that everybody enjoyed being around. She was a very kind, open and positive person. a colleague you'd like to have!
My deepest condolences to her family and friends. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:58 getekend door:
H.a.j.o. .D.o.o.p.
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Always smiling and always positive. Highly valued coworker and a professional. My deepest condolences to the family. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:47 getekend door:
T.e.e.m.u. .T.e.i.t.t.o.
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Dear family and friends of Cecille,

my sincere condolences for your loss. I am really shocked and feel deeply sad about her sudden passing away. I worked with her for quite some years now, also when she worked in Abu Dhabi office earlier, and I will remember her for her skills as an instrumentation engineer, but even more for her kindness as a person, and the talks about her life that she was building up here in the Netherlands. She was sitting opposite of me in the office, and I will always remember the small talks we had about work and personal things. She was always willing to help when there was a question about work, and she was such a nice and kind person to work with. We will miss her a lot, and we really lost a nice and kind colleague. May she rest in peace, and meet the saviour she believed in.

Maarten Voshol 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:30 getekend door:
M.a.a.r.t.e.n. .V.o.s.h.o.l.
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It's hard to realize a bright and beautiful soul like Cecille has passed away.

My deepest condolences to all and I wish Cecile's family, friends and colleagues all the strength in this tremendous loss. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:25 getekend door:
J.a.c.o.b. .F.a.b.e.r.
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My deepest condolences to Cecille's family. She was an amazing person and highly skilled engineer. She will be greatly missed. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:16 getekend door:
N.a.t.h.a.n. .H.u.n.t.
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You have left too soon Cecille, I feel a deep sadness since you are gone. Sometimes we do not understand god's but we accept it with humble. I'm happy to have shared with you and to know that you rocked it, girl!. You had a fulfilled live and you will live in our memories. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 16:15 getekend door:
M.i.r.s.e. .R.a.n.g.e.l.
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Dear family,
I am deeply sorry for your loss.
Hold onto the joyful memories and celebrate Cecille’s life. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:52 getekend door:
E.f.s.t.a.t.h.i.o.s. .R.o.n.t.o.g.i.a.n.n.i.s.
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Dear Cecille RIP. My deepest condolences to your family and the one's you left behind 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:51 getekend door:
l.e.o. .B.r.u.g.m.a.n.
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Dear Cecille’s family, It is so hard to find right words right now. The news of Ceille’s passing has left us all in shock and deep sorrow. We will carry her memory with us and will always miss her. Rest in peace dear Ceille. My condolences to her family in this difficult time. With love and remembrance, Vishal Patil 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:50 getekend door:
V.i.s.h.a.l. .P.a.t.i.l.
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Dear Cecille,

Always kind and positive.
You will be greatly missed!

My deepest condolences to Cecile's family, friends and colleagues. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:40 getekend door:
S.a.n.d.e.r. .A.r.e.n.s.m.a.n.
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RIP Cecille. My deepest condolences to the family. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:40 getekend door:
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My deepest condolences to Cecile's family, friends and colleagues.
I wish you all strength in this very difficult time. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:29 getekend door:
J.a.n. .W.i.l.l.e.m. .B.o.o.n.
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My deepest condolences to the family of Cecille. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:24 getekend door:
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My deepest condolences to the family of Cecile. I hope you can make trough this hard time. Wish you all strength and peace. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:22 getekend door:
F.a.r.i.d. .S.e.y.e.d.u.l.l.a.h.
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dear Family, friends and colleagues.. my deep condolences and her soul rest in peace.

she always brings happiness and joy to everyone around her. will miss you.. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:19 getekend door:
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Cecille Rose Viray Manalo

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