Cecille Rose Viray  Manalo

Cecille Rose Viray Manalo

3 oktober 1990 - 20 augustus 2024

In memory of Cecille Rose Manalo

With great sadness, we announce the loss of our colleague Cecille Rose Manalo.

Cecille worked in the Technology & Projects organisation as Sr. Design Engineer I&A.

You can leave a personal message for the relatives.

Neste would like to express its sincere condolences to Cecille’s family, friends, and colleagues for their loss.
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< Vorige         61 t/m 69 van 69
My sincere condolences to Cecille’s family, friends, and colleagues 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:17 getekend door:
T.o.m.m.y. .W.i.j.n.t.j.e.s.
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Dear family, I am very sorry about Cecille passing. She was kind and professional colleague. It was always a pleasure having a little chat with her. Wish you strength in this difficult time. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:11 getekend door:
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My thoughts go out to Cecille's family, friends and colleagues. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 15:09 getekend door:
A.J. .V.e.r.s.t.r.a.t.e.n.
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Cecille was a wonderful colleague and friend, and I will miss her greatly. She always brought joy and hope to the team. My deepest condolonces to Cecille's family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 14:58 getekend door:
M.o.h.a.m.e.d. .T.a.h.a.
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Cecille was a kind and intelligent colleague. She will be greatly missed by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing her. My deepest condolences for your family's loss 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 14:42 getekend door:
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Cecille we will miss your fun and energetic appearance in the office. I'm still impressed with your story about living in Rotterdam, building your life here and the (quiet) long commutes to Neste. We will keep you in good memory. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 14:36 getekend door:
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I hereby express my deepest sympathy with the passing of Cecille.

Best wishes,

Op 21 augustus 2024
om 14:31 getekend door:
R.e.m.i. .K.r.i.j.g.s.m.a.n.
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Gone too soon Cecille... It was always fun together to work with you.. I lost a good colleague as well as a good friend.. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 14:29 getekend door:
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Cecille was a very kind and supportive colleague. I really enjoyed working with her and I always knew I could rely on her support any time.

Cecille will be fondly remembered.

With deepest sympathy. 
Op 21 augustus 2024
om 14:23 getekend door:
Q.u.a.n.g. .T.r.a.n.
Dit is niet ok
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op 21 augustus 2024
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21 oktober 2024
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Cecille Rose Viray Manalo

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